Mortgage Modification
- Posted On April 10, 2018
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A loan modification can be the best solution for a struggling homeowner. A loan modification can stop a foreclosure sale date and save your home. It can also lower your monthly payment by reducing your interest rate and or extending the term of you loan, and result in your loan being reinstated so that you are current without the need to pay all the missed mortgage payments. It is generally a very simple process to begin, and the lenders generally make it very simple to file a Massachusetts Loan Modification application. This has an unfortunate effect on the homeowner. To many it seems as though they have found the solution to their problems. Unfortunately, this simple-to-get-started approach disguises the complexity of getting an application for modification approved. Many homeowners complain about getting the run around, being strung along for months and sometimes years while the lender “processes the modification”. In some cases, homeowner applicants are given “TRIAL LOAN MODIFICATIONS” that string them along further, and are then denied after complying with all the requirements of the trial. Only then do they find out that they never really qualified for the Trial Loan Modification. That they were only given the trial modification because the bank personnel that approved the trial did not do the right job. Some have concluded that government incentives paid to the bank for the number of homeowners that are put into trial modifications have created an incentive for banks to put unqualified homeowners into a trial program. The good news is that our group can help.