Workers’ Compensation
- Posted On February 4, 2018
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If you, or someone you know has been injured at work, the Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Statute provides specific benefits to the injured party – regardless of who is at fault.
If you are unable to earn your pre-injury wages for five days or more due to your work injury, you are entitled to weekly benefits. The amount of benefits is based on the extent of disability.
If you are totally disabled as a result of your work injury, you are entitled to a weekly benefit of 60% of your pre-injury wages. If the same total disability is found to be permanent, you would be eligible for a weekly benefit of 66.67% of the pre-injury wage. Many employees have their claim denied initially by the workers’ compensation insurance carrier. If this happens, do not lose hope. Contact us to evaluate your case.
The Massachusetts workers’ compensation statute gives you the right to obtain medical treatment from a physician of your choosing. All workers’ compensation benefit payments are not taxable. If you have other tax concerns, we will be glad to discuss these with you. For additional information concerning our tax services please visit us at
Other Potential Claims
Depending on the nature and severity of the injury, you may be entitled to benefits for scarring, loss of function and disfigurement. In addition, you may be eligible to receive vocational retraining if you are at an end medical result and you have restrictions which prevent you from returning to your prior position. You have the right to be reimbursed by the workers’ compensation insurance company for expenses relating to your medical treatment. For example, out pocket expenses for prescriptions, parking while at doctor’s appointments and mileage to and from the doctor’s office are a few examples. If a third party is found to be responsible for your work injuries, you may be able to recover for pain and suffering as a result of that third party’s negligence. The good news is that we handle these claims in tandem with workers’ compensation cases.