Motorcycle Accident Attorney – Personal Injury Lawyers
- Posted On October 23, 2018
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Riding a motorcycle is one of the most thrilling modes of transport. Not only are they exciting, but motorcycles are also gas efficient and an easy vehicle to use for your commute to and from work or school. They are also one of the most dangerous vehicles to ride. Drivers of other vehicles may have a difficult time seeing the rider of the motorcycle. When an accident involving a motorcycle does take place, the victim often suffers severe injuries. That is because a motorcycle does not offer as much protection as other enclosed vehicles.
Motorcycle riders are in much more danger than drivers of automobiles. They are about 30 times likelier to be killed in a collision. A lot of this has to do with the lack of protection that they have which makes them vulnerable to the environment and vehicles around them. There are many safety precautions that motorcycle riders should take before taking their bike on the road and while riding, including:
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p style=”text-align: justify;”>Wearing a fitted helmet
Wearing leather pants
Wearing a heavy duty leather jacket
Not speeding
Not weaving between lanes
Avoiding blind spots of cars or trucks
Using turn signals
Braking slowly
Not tailgating
Not cutting lanes in traffic
These are some ways to try to avoid getting involved in a motorcycle accident; however, accidents may still happen. All it takes is an automobile driver not paying attention for a few seconds or for a driver to not see a motorcycle and cause a fatal accident.
What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident
It is essential to discuss your legal rights with one of our personal injury lawyers to find out what options are available. You can talk about your case with an attorney who is thoroughly experienced and knowledgeable in circumstances related to vehicular accidents. Immediately following the accident, there are a few important steps that you should to take to ensure proper compensation. It is important to remember not to leave the scene of the accident. This can prevent criminal charges. You should also call 911 to report the accident.
Obtaining as much information as possible is essential to building a successful case. Exchange all necessary driver and insurance information with all other parties involved. If you are able, be sure to retain the contact information of any witnesses and take pictures of the accident and all vehicles. These are some of the elementary steps that you need to take after being involved in a motorcycle accident. You will also need to obtain medical attention. Our firm can help you build a strong case after you have taken the necessary steps explained above. Our primary goal is to help you obtain the compensation you rightfully deserve. You may be eligible to receive compensation for things such as medical costs, rehabilitation expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, psychological damage, bodily harm and many other areas of suffering. Motorcycle accidents generally involve severe injuries including:
Severe burn injuries
Broken bones
Brain damage
Head trauma
Due to the lack of protection a motorcyclist has, the consequences of an accident can be devastating. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident due to the negligence of another party, seek compensation for your suffering. Hold the negligent party responsible by teaming up with an experienced personal injury attorney from our firm who has the experience and knowledge necessary to fight your case. Set yourself up to have the best opportunity possible at recovering the compensation you deserve; Contact the Law Offices today! More here @